Sporting News
Cycle League
The cycle league team in years 4 and 5 went to the Hackney Downs Grass Track on the 9th May. The children had to compete around a short oval track on fixed wheel bikes. They competed in a number of short races, which were of differing formats. All of the children did very well, special congratulations to Winter who came second place in her race! Rushmore are now in 3rd Place overall in the league, with two events remaining.
Other Cycle News
Congratulations to Ben & Gee who have been selected to represent Hackney Borough at the London Youth Games in the U12’s Road Cycling Competition.
Table Tennis Tournament
Some children in years 5 and 6 played an in house table tennis tournament last week. They played a number of games and out of 20 children, 10 made it through to the next round. Congratulations to Isaac (Y5), Kenzo, Max, Ralph, Herbie, Ben, Caitlin, Maria, Lyla and Theodora (Y6) for making it through. They will play against Mandeville, Gayhurst and Kingsmead in the final, which will take place on Wednesday 22nd May
Tennis Festival
Lottie, Aadam, Uma, Arlo (Y4), Shaifa, Percy, Maryam and Vinny (Y 5) attended a tennis festival last week. They played in a carousel of tennis activities then played a knock out tennis tournament at the end of the day. All of the children had a fantastic time!
On Wednesday, Faris, Nathan, Mafuz, Zahra (Y4), Chad and Evvany (Y5) attended an aquathon. The activities were based around transitioning across the pool. They used noodles and fins and even had a relay race at the end. Well done, guys!