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Assessment for Learning

What is AFL?

Assessment for learning has become ever more important as national curriculum levels have been removed and the responsibility relies ever more heavily on the class teacher and support staff to establish an attainment and progress judgement rather than relying on tests.

It's also about making sure conditions for learning are at their peak, making teaching and learning more effective for both staff and pupils.

Clear learning intentions, success criteria, good questioning and detailed and specific feedback are the best conditions for pupils to understand their targets and reach their full potential. Here at Rushmore we want every child in every class to reach their full potential!

Behaviours for Learning

All teachers and support staff at Rushmore will use the following to promote good behaviours for learning as a whole school approach.

These behaviours for learning help create a calm, inclusive learning environment for all which in turn promotes better learning for all.

  •  1,2,3 for transitions – to be done quietly ( 1 to stand , 2 to push in or pull out chair, 3 to sit or walk to the line) This promote clam and safe movement within classrooms.
  • Arm in the air - to get pupil’s attention, teachers and support staff will raise their hand in the air to signal a need for quiet. Pupils will in turn raise their hand and remain quiet. We are a ‘no shouting’ school.
  • We remind pupils about how to sit on the carpet or on their chair to show good behaviours for listening. 
  • No hands up to answer questions- we want to build a culture where all pupils are switched on and ready and alert to answer questions in class. It will be the teacher’s decision to choose to answer questions. However, children are always encouraged to raise their hand to ask questions.     

Marking and Feedback

Here at Rushmore, we believe in prompt marking and specific feedback to all children every weekly. We use PINK highlights to show pupils when their work in fantastic and GREEN to show areas for development.  Children are then set next steps by the class teacher or support staff to help improve their work which children are then given time to read and respond to next step and teacher comments. 


Growth Mind-set

Here at Rushmore we want our pupils to develop a growth mind-set. This means, we want our pupils to have positive thoughts about themselves and how they learn and to understand that making mistakes is a good thing because we learn from them. This type of thinking will foster confidence and resilience when learning something new, making mistakes or taking on challenges.     

Our Pupils

  • Enjoy taking on challenges
  • Learn from their mistakes
  • Accept feedback and criticism positively 
  • Practise and apply learned strategies to improve work
  • Demonstrate focus, determination and persistence on all tasks
  • Are confident in asking questions when unsure
  • Are not afraid of making mistakes