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Art & DT at Rushmore

Art and DT lead: Stella Solomou



“Art is as natural as sunshine and as vital as nourishment.” - MaryAnn F.Kohl




At Rushmore, every child has the opportunity to discover their love and passion for art. From designing the most beautiful creations, experimenting with a range of resources, creating their own masterpieces, evaluating their own and others work to express themselves!


“Every child is an artist.” - Pablo Picasso


Throughout the key stages, children learn and develop new skills and are taught to use a range of materials to support them in being creative and expressing themselves. The curriculum is designed to ensure our artists develop their skills and techniques over time. They experiment with and use a variety of techniques and resources to design, make, create colours, patterns, textures, lines, shape and spaces. Alongside this, the children have the opportunity to look at the work of a range of artists, from around the world, and compare the similarities and differences with their own work.


“Children are naturally creative, it is our job to give them the freedom, materials and space to let their creativity blossom to its full potential.” - Jean Van’t Hul


In year 3, our artists are given a beautiful sketchbook to create a portfolio of ideas. The sketchbooks are used to design, observe, experiment, review and revisit ideas, and improve their mastery of drawing skills. Children build upon this portfolio of work bringing their sketchbooks up with them through KS2, which shows their creative development over time.


“Creativity is Contagious, pass it on.” - Albert Einstein